Tuesday, December 10, 2024
                                                                                                           Concordia University
                                                                                                           11400 Concordia University Dr.
                                                                                                           Austin, TX 78726
                                                                                                           8:00am - 4:00pm
Live2Lead is a leader development experience designed to equip you with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. You’ll breathe new life into your leadership during this information-packed half-day event.
Learn from world-class leadership experts and return to your office ready to implement your new action plan and lead with renewed passion and commitment 
What you will learn at this event:
Live2Lead is a full day, leader development experience designed to equip attendees with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. They’ll learn from world-class leadership experts, be prepared to implement a new action plan, and start leading when they get back to the office with renewed passion and commitment.
RENEWED ENERGY                                     NEW RELATIONSHIPS                          NEW IDEAS
Live2Lead is designed                                   Grow your own leadership                   Live2Lead is a world-class
to deliver the very best                                as you connect with other                     leadership experience
leadership content that                               influencers in your local                         packed into a half-day
inspires and motivates                                 community. Expand your                       format, full of rich content,
all who attend.                                                   network with relationships                  key takeaways and easy-
                                                                                                                                                                   to-implement action plans
Experience World Class Teaching!
Check out this year's speakers in this short clip:
Hosted By: Novak Development
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